The tax revenues in the first quarter of 2017, edged up by 15%, compared with a decline during the same period in 2016, said Finance Minister Lamia Zribi.
Speaking at a press meeting with national media representatives, the minister affirmed that “the increase recorded end of March is explained by the provision related to the exceptional participation of 7.5% in the enterprises’ profits for 2017 and the regular and exceptional provisions enacted under the Finance Law 2017 and aimed to improve the recovery rate.”
During the first quarter of 2017, one-third of development expenses were materialised, Zribi pointed out, recalling that these expenses are mainly focused on infrastructure projects in interior regions and agricultural and health projects.
Answering a question regarding the possible development of a supplementary budget law for 2017, the minister specified that the current economic situation does not require recourse to such a law.
Besides, she revealed that her department had prepared a report identifying the anti-corruption and tax evasion actions that will be presented to the Prime Ministry.
The Minister refused to give further details on the report, merely stating that the report referred to evasion operations and their values, in addition to the statistics related to the presentation of a number of customs officers to the honorary council and the disciplinary court.
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