The TASDIR+ & TASTE TUNISIA (T+T) FUNDS and TUNISIA BUILDING PARTNERS are launching a cross-sector structuring operation for the agro-food sector in order to position Tunisian companies on 5 sub-Saharan target markets, namely Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya and Nigeria, The Export Promotion Centre (CEPEX) announces.
The transversal action consists in pooling the efforts of the applicant companies and aims to significantly improve the penetration and sustainability of their activities in the 5 targeted markets, with, in the end, projects for commercial establishments in certain targeted countries.
Three main results are expected, namely the creation of a strong, global and impactful offer making it possible to respond effectively to the opportunities identified in the countries concerned, the strengthening of the presence of the group’s companies on these markets and the strengthening of targeted short and medium-term establishments on the targeted Sub-Saharan African markets, allowing a sustainable development of the activities of Tunisian operators.
Nine Tunisian T+T member companies are registered in the project, which will last 18 months from June 2019 to October 2020, for an estimated total cost of DT 2,023,840.