Tunisia JOBS, FTH and FTRT sign partnership agreement

The Tunisia JOBS programme, the Tunisian Hotel Federation (FTH) and the Tunisian Federation of Tourist Restaurants (FTRT) signed a partnership agreement on Monday, August 3rd.

According to this agreement, the Tunisia JOBS programme will collaborate with the concerned federations to respond to the problems linked to the COVID -19 crisis and to reduce its impact on the tourism and hotel sector, while facilitating the access of member establishments to innovative technological solutions that will enable them to participate in the recovery of the sector.

This agreement also aims to promote the technical, professional and managerial skills of workers in the tourism sector in order to improve the quality of services offered by the establishments concerned.

The terms of this collaboration were set out on Monday, August 3, 2020 during the signing ceremony between the three sides.

Tunisia JOBS is a programme funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

With a budget of $60 million, it aims to create thousands of sustainable jobs through the private sector over the next five years.

Tunisia JOBS, a multi-dimensional acceleration programme. It includes personalized assistance to businesses. The aim is to make them even more competitive locally and for export. The same applies to the promotion of foreign direct investment.

This allows the facilitation of access to financing as well as the harmonization of vocational training programmes and higher education with the needs of private enterprises. With particular emphasis on the socio-professional integration of young graduates, women and minorities in general.

Besides, this programme aims the business climate and promote opportunities for young job seekers.


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