Novation City ” Pôle de Compétitivité de Sousse ” launched on March 17, 2020, the ” SAFE TUNISIA CHALLENGE “, a competition for Start-ups, students, graduates and entrepreneurs working in the field of Technology, innovation or information and whose aim is to counter, slow down or stem the spread of Covid-19 and to manage the crisis caused by the epidemic in Tunisia.
“Safe Tunisia” is a national challenge whose mission is to concentrate Tunisia’s potential for innovation and technological skills in order to create synergies that will enable the rapid development and implementation of innovative, highly technological solutions that can help prevent, monitor, stop or slow the spread of the virus or treat and assist citizens, health professionals, administrations and the government as a whole.
The list of the challenge themes will include E-health, Health Security, Social Aid, Mobility, E-gov, Global Information, Smart Logistic and Smart Store. As for technologies, a varied panel will be present, ranging from artificial intelligence to big data, 3D printing and connected objects.
Novation City will accompany the winning solutions of the challenge for a rapid implementation via technology vouchers and will work to accelerate their implementation with various state structures but also to facilitate their access to other sources of financing and investment if necessary.