Morocco and Tunisia have all the advantages to promote South-South collaboration, in partnership, and jointly seek investment opportunities in Africa and new opportunities to export goods, services and human capital, Latifa Akharbach, ambassador of Morocco to Tunisia said.
She was speaking at the opening of a conference debate organised on Tuesday by the embassy of Morocco to Tunisia in the headquarters of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA), on the theme “Maghreb Africa what economic paths for the consolidation of continental integration?”, with the participation of Tunisian and international officials namely Minister of Development, Investment and International Co-operation Fadhel Abdelkefi, Secretary of State for Trade Abdellatif Hammam and Mrs. Assitan Diarra-Thioune Director Representative of the African Development Bank (AfDB).
“As African countries and as friendly nations, we have the responsibility to develop our countries and our continent and we can do it hand in hand” Latifa Akharbach underlined, placing emphasis on the need to “be more effective and more audible, especially since the real competition is made by other and more powerful actors and investments and the promotion of inter-African exchanges will help us establish a fair and balanced development for our common continent.”
Morocco has deployed a very proactive policy of developing economic relations with the rest of Africa, she went on saying.
The ambassador said that Morocco has a strategic vision of its African identity and its anchorage along with an ambition for the global emergence of the continent not only on the economic level.
“This strategic vision is in fact based on the awareness of the interdependence of our fate as we strive, the African countries and peoples, in development, human security and social progress, ” she stressed. This vision is boosted by His Majesty King Mohamed VI as the supreme representative of the State, who set for many years as a priority of Morocco’s foreign policy shared by the private sector and Moroccan economic operators, Latifa Akharbach asserted.
In this connection, she highlighted Tunisia’s know-how, potential and the political will to re-start its policy of economic presence on the continent. Morocco sees this as a positive and tremendous asset and an undeniable added value for the Maghreb region.
“Morocco voices readiness to promote the dynamics of action between our economic operators in the service of joint projects in sectors where the two countries have developed experience”, she added.
The ambassador focused on the readiness of Morocco and Tunisia to undertake industrial investments, to reach together value chains, and set up joint ventures to create local jobs and share wealth equitably.
TunisianMonitorOnLine /MNHN
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