An information session was held Tuesday in Zarzis by representatives of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) to present the project “Hajtibik ija na3mlou Affare” (I need you, come and do business), launched a year ago and funded by the Italian development cooperation agency.
This three-year project is meant for the governorates of Médenine, Tataouine, Jendouba and El Kef. It aims to encourage Tunisians residing in Italy to invest and establish partnerships in these regions.
This project, with a total cost of 2.9 million euros (9.3 million dinars), also aims to create jobs, says Boubaker Bouricha, project manager.
The selected projects will receive one-year support and training for their promoters, in addition to partnership meetings and IOM grants.
Further information meetings will be organised in the other three governorates concerned by this project,