Former Tunisia Tourism Minister to become UN-Tourism Secretary General?

Habib Ammar, former minister of tourism for Tunisia is officially a candidate to become the next UN-Tourism Secretary- General. He competes with 5 other candidates from Georgia, Ghana, Greece, Mexico, and UAE.

Tourism Minister Sofiane Tekaya said on Jan. 29 that Tunisia aims to attract more than 11 million tourists in 2025 as it strives to broaden its tourism offerings.

Habib graduated from the Higher Cycle of the National School of Administration of Tunis, General Administration Section (February 1995) and holds a master’s degree in Management Sciences (option International Finance)—University of Paris IX Dauphine (1991) and a general university degree in Economics—University Paris IX Dauphine (1989).

Since 2015, he has been CEO of the Sousse Nord group (Société d’études et de développement de Sousse Nord, Société d’études et de développement de Hergla, Société El Kantaoui de promotion du golf and Société hôtelière et tourisme du Port El Kantaoui).

He was CEO of the Tunisian National Tourism Office ONTT from 2010 to 2014 and chief of staff to the Minister of Tourism from 2008 to 2010.

He has held many positions in various ministerial departments, including Director of the Tourist Upgrading Office at the Ministry of Tourism (September 2005 to February 2008).

He was also director of the office for studies and monitoring of the economic situation at the Ministry of Industry (February / September 2005). From June 1998 to February 2005, he was Public Services Advisor and cabinet Attaché to the Minister of Industry. He was notably a member representing the State on the Board of Directors of the Société Tunisienne de Banque (STB).

Habib Ammar brings tourism experience to a possible position at the UN Tourism Organization. Still, many say he was put in place by his friend Zurab to disturb the competitor’s odds for Zurab’s aim to run for a raising eyebrow-type third term.

Four years ago, Zurab thanked the Minister of Tourism of Tunisia, Habib Ammar, for his support and encouragement after his nomination to continue leading UNWTO for four more years. Zurab added: “I trust our solid partnership will translate into a successful restart of tourism!”

In 2021, US Ambassador Donald Blome met with Tunisian Minister of Tourism Habib Ammar to reaffirm continued U.S. support for the tourism industry. During the meeting, Ambassador Blome highlighted the close cooperation and USAID’s $50 million project to support alternative tourism in Tunisia.

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Habib Ammar is the second candidate from Africa to compete for this post. Mr. Muhammad Adam from Ghana, the current ambassador of this country in Madrid, wanted to stay in Spain instead of returning to his home country, Ghana. Besides being involved in the financial side of opening Accra airport, he has little experience in tourism.

Habib’s stiffest competition may be a noncandidate from Senegal, who joined Gloria Guevara’s campaign- Mounamed Faouzou Deme Mohamed.

TunisianMonitorOnline (NejiMed-eturbonews)

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