EU-Maghreb Relations: Economy Should Take Centre Stage in Post-Pandemic Era

One of the unavoidable consequences of the current pandemic will be the repatriation of part of the value chains of international European and North American companies home or closer to home. How important this turns out to be and what sectors it will impact most is yet not clear, but public opinion will no longer allow certain key necessities to be sourced essentially in China. As European leaders consider which products need to be manufactured closer to home, they could do worse than spare a thought for Algeria, Morocco and…

Repercussions of COVID-19 on the global system

The new Coronavirus appeared in China, specifically in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, in late December 2019 and up to April 2, 2020. The infection transmitted to about one million people and resulted in more than 50 thousand deaths, with half of the world’s population isolated in their homes with the rise in various proportions (catching the virus, death and recovery) is still jumping. Epidemics have had a role in the rise of deaths and the fall of empires throughout history: Human history witnessed many epidemics that invaded societies,…

Air quality improving in quarantined countries

Air quality is improving in countries under coronavirus quarantines, experts say, but it is far too early to speak of long-term change. Images by the U.S. space agency NASA are clear, in February the concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) fell dramatically in Wuhan, China, the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic, passing from an indicator that was red/orange to blue. NO2 is mainly produced by vehicles, industrial sites and thermal power stations. As China moves past the peak of its crisis, however, recent images by the European Space Agency (ESA) show…

Saudi Arabia: $ 10 million donation to support the World Health Organization’s effort

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Bin Abdulaziz issued last Monday a directive ordering the donation of $ 10 million to support the World Health Organization’s (WHO) efforts to fight Coronavirus and to implement urgent measures to minimize the spread of this disease and to support countries with vulnerable health infrastructures. Deeply concerned to help the International community, Saudi Arabia with its donation will contribute significantly to efforts to safeguard global health after the World Health Organization’s calling, in the context of this harsh global crisis which terrified the world, the International…

ESSECT’s Mohamed Ghayadhi selected HULT PRIZE TOP 20 Campus Director Globally for 2019-2020

“HultPrize Essect was selected in the top 20 of the best On Campus Program all over the World. Proud of all the team. You deserve it,” Mohamed Ghayadi. “Thank you for the administrative and teaching staff of Essect, Our sponsors: Amen Bank, MS solutions group, SFBT, Chicken House and Daily, and all participants from the Entrepreneurship ecosystem,” Mohamed Ghayadi. Campus Director at Hult Prize “Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales Tunis (ESSECT) Mohamed Ghayadhi is selected a HULT PRIZE TOP 20 Campus Director Globally for 2019-2020. Mohamed Ghayadhi the…

Arab world’s iconic date palm culture recognized by UNESCO heritage list

Date palms have existed since 4,000 BC and have been the symbol of hospitality and prosperity in countries across the Arab world. The Arab region’s iconic date palm trees were officially recognized on Wednesday by UNESCO’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, stepFEED reported. The announcement came during the annual meeting of the Intangible Heritage Committee held in Bogotá, Colombia. “The date palm, knowledge, skills, traditions and practices have played a pivotal role in strengthening the connection between people and the land in the Arab region, helping them face the challenges of the harsh desert environment,” the…

What is happening between Korea and Japan?

Preamble South Korea denounced Japan after Japan’s trade sanctions came into force on August 28, 2019, accusing Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of being an “adversary”. Unfortunately, relations between the two East Asian neighbours, allies of the United States, continue to deteriorate as a result of trade and industrial warfare. South Korea, for its part, has tried to respond to Japanese “sanctions” by showing its willingness to break the existing military intelligence-sharing agreement with Japan, known as “GSOMIA”, thus raising Washington’s concern. Unilateral Japanese decision On July 1, the Japanese…

EU, UNODC launch 3-year project to dismantle migrant smuggling, human trafficking networks

The European Union and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa are launching a three-year project aimed at supporting Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia in dismantling migrant smuggling and human trafficking criminal networks operating in North Africa, the duo announced in a press statement. The EU has set a budget of €15m ($16.69m) for the project, which will be implemented by the UNODC Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa under the framework of the North Africa Window of the…

Stone Age tools and animal bones in Tunisia provide new clues on a 72,000-year-old ‘early human corridor’ across Africa

Researchers found bones and stone tools in land that once formed a giant lake The area was once wet and green and well suited to humans and animals The findings suggest that Homo sapiens populated this area at least 72,000 years ago, using the lakes as staging posts in their dispersal across Africa. Lying at the ‘crossroads’ for north-south movements between the Sahara and the Mediterranean, Tunisia is one of the world’s key regions for under early human travels, the Daily Mail reports. Researchers have now discovered animal bones and…

Regional report, North Africa: Steady progress

The economic outlook in North Africa has improved recently due to increasing oil prices, a more stable political situation and some large-scale infrastructure projects. For the purposes of this article, North Africa is defined as Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. A rendering of what Egypt’s ambitious new administrative capital could look like – the project has not been without problems According to the North Africa Economic Outlook for 2018, published by the African Development Bank, Real Gross Domestic (GDP) in 2017 in the region was 4.9%, up from 2016’s 3.3%.…