Forbes published its annual list of The best Countries For Business For 2017 by rating 139 nations on 11 different factors: property rights, innovation, taxes, technology, corruption, freedom (personal, trade and monetary), red tape, investor protection and stock market performance, in which Sweden heads the best country and New Zealand takes the second place.
As regards Tunisia it ranks 87 in the list, Morocco ranks 51, Algeria 131 while Egypt, it ranks 103.
The Report underlined that Tunisia’s diverse, market-oriented economy has long been cited as a success story in Africa and the Middle East, but it faces an array of challenges following the 2011 Arab Spring revolution.
The report added that since its establishment in late 2014, Tunisia’s new government has faced challenges reassuring businesses and investors, bringing budget and current account deficits under control, shoring up the country’s financial system, lowering high unemployment, and reducing economic disparities between the more developed coastal region and the impoverished interior.
In 2015, successive terrorist attacks against the tourism sector and worker strikes in the phosphate sector, which combined account for nearly 15% of GDP, slowed growth to less than 1% of GDP, it referred.
Central African country Chad ranks last for the second straight year.
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