The French Development Agency (AFD) is backing sustainable development in Tunisia through its “SUNREF” program. A call for projects has been launched to provide funding for solid waste recycling initiatives in Tunisia.
The Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Energy Finance (SUNREF) program, which is part of the French Development Agency’s “SUNREF” program, is designed to support the recycling of solid waste in the country. The program is designed to promote the use of natural resources and energy.
Besides, SUNREF promotes green investment projects, as part of AFD’s call for expressions of interest which targets small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The aim is to reduce the pollution that is gaining ground in Tunisia. The country generates 2.4 million tons of solid waste per year, more than half of which is sent to technical landfills, according to the National Waste Management Agency (ANGED). The project will also help develop the circular economy and promote job creation in Tunisia.
Companies interested in the call for projects have the choice of proposing projects for the recovery of organic waste into biogas or fertiliser, plastic waste into other packaging or into electricity using different techniques (incineration, pyrolysis, etc.). Applications are expected until May 15, 2022. “The best project ideas will be selected and presented to a panel of experts and financial partners in June 2022,” says SUNREF.
The selected projects will receive technical support of €2.2 million over three years and a credit line of €60 million. Funding will be provided by the European Union (EU), and executed by “Expertise-France”, which will also offer investment incentives worth €11 million to companies.
TunisianMonitorOnline (NejiMed)