150 participants gathered for the 6th edition of the MedUni

The 6th edition of the Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship – MedUni – started Tuesday in Tunis. Once again, it provides a space where different national and international organisations run training activities within a multilateral cooperation context facilitated and coordinated by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe in partnership with National Youth Observatory of Tunisia.

This year, the MedUni encompasses eight activities, which will allow young people, youth-related institutions and youth decision makers to meet, debate and develop capacities to better cooperate in democratic processes and contribute to the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

Throughout the week, the plenary sessions will connect the different activities and the annual theme chosen for this edition: “promoting peaceful and inclusive societies”. The team of experienced trainers of the North-South Centre will have the challenging responsibility to gather, connect and unfold the potential of the 150 young participants.

During the next few days, the participants will have the opportunity to attend workshops, fairs, a quadrilogue seminar, roundtables and other activities, share their perspectives and contribute to enhance the role of young people in building a more peaceful and inclusive society.

At the opening ceremony, Rocio Cervera, deputy executive director of the North-South Centre highlighted that the MedUni “is a unique space for networking, peer education and sharing of knowledge on youth participation following a multilateral approach. It is a good opportunity to work together on youth-policies development based on the bottom-up approach which will allow a structured dialogue among governments, parliaments, local and regional authorities’ representatives and youth”

Imen Blhedi, director of the National Youth Observatory of Tunisia reinforced that Tunisia is investing a lot on youth and it is very important to host this activity here: “we are sending a strong message: it is possible to collaborate internationally towards a more peaceful and inclusive society”.

TunisianMonitorOnline (Council of Europe)

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