Whatever one may say, Tunis, the capital of Tunisia, is not the city where a great number of crimes and offenses are committed.
It is the place where the safety level is highest in Africa, according to the Numbeo site which analyzes the perception and the statistics on crime and security.
The ranking, based on the most recent data, provides two sets of figures for 334 cities in the world, one on crime levels and the other on safety.
Tunis is credited with the lowest crime rate and the highest safety level on the African continent, 36.11 for the former and 63.89 for the second, placing it at the top in Africa.
It is followed it far behind by Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia (44.46-55.54), Algiers (49.99-50.01). Casablanca (53.24-46.76) then Cairo (55.96-46.76) followed by Tripoli (58.06-41.64). Lagos is 10th with 68.08-31.92.
“We consider crime rates below 20 to be very low, 20 to 40 to be low, 40 to 60 to be moderate, 60 to 80 to be high, and crime rates higher than 20 80 as being very high, “says the site.
To give an order of magnitude, the South African city of Pietermaritzburg has a crime rate of 82.09 and a security level of 17.91, while in Tunis they are 36.11 and 63, 89 respectively.
The Arab cities together are the safest places in Asia, Africa and the world, according to Numbeo website. Abu Dhabi is leading both the Asian and the global scale.
Its score is 13.22 for crime and 86.78 for safety, whereas for the city of San Pedro Sula in Honduras it is 84.25 for crime and 15.75 for safety.
Doha, capital of Qatar is in second place with the score of 15.71 for crime and 84.29 for safety. Dubai is in the 6th position on the Asian scale with 19.52 for the crime and 80.48 for the safety.
But the surprise came from Kuala Lumpur which holds the second worst crime rate among the 91 countries on the Asian list, with a score of 68.53 for crime and 31.47 for safety.
Baghdad, capital of Iraq is 16th in Asia with a crime of 57.47 and a security of 42.53.
However, according to the researchers, a high level of crime score may indicate a higher level of reported incidents than in other places with lower score rather than a higher crime rate.
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