Prime Minister Youssef Chahed received, on Monday afternoon in Kasbah government palace, representatives of civil society organisations, on the occasion of the celebration of the 8th anniversary of the revolution and youth.
The meeting provided the occasion to review the key points of the sectoral strategic vision for youth for the years 2019-2020.
The Prime Minister stressed the importance of this gathering with members of youth civil society on the occasion of the celebration of the revolution and youth, a revolution “which was at the origin of the freedoms acquired in all fields and that we should be proud”, he said regretting however that “young people, artisans of this revolution, have remained absent or excluded from public life”.
Chahed called for the need to involve young people in decision-making, stressing that this fringe of society must believe in its skills and potential so that it can actively act in its environment.
The strategic vision of youth is based on five main points:
1. Promotion of youth engagement in political and public life
2. Integration of young people into social and professional life
3. Development of youth skills and the spirit of excellence
4. Encouraging the dynamism of young people and developing a sense of responsibility
5. Strengthening the balance of young people and the culture of openness and their preservation from dangerous behaviour and fundamentalism.
The Representatives of civil society organisations stressed the need to monitor the results of this strategy in practical terms, considering that the main point to emerge from this meeting with the Prime Minister is to restore confidence in young people to play their pioneering role.
In his response to the interventions of representatives of civil society, the prime minister highlighted the determination and will of young people to progress in the country, placing emphasis on the need to share this strategy and communicate with youth, praising the competence of young people and their ability to challenge the difficulties and achieve success.