31 waste management SMEs authorized to restart their activities

The National Agency for Waste Management (ANGed) approved the reopening of 31 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) specializing in solid waste collection in Tunisia. These companies had ceased all activities for a year and a half.

The new measure has been effective since 27 April 2022, when several agreements were inked between the National Waste Management Agency ( ANGed ) and the managers of 31 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Tunisia. One year and a half ago, these companies specializing in solid waste collection were ordered by ANGed to cease all activities.

Thus, the 31 SMEs will assist ANGed in its mission of collecting plastic waste, canned goods, and scattered non-hazardous waste. These companies will also weed pavements and curbs, mainly in the context of cleaning campaigns and exceptional interventions. The waste will be transferred to controlled landfills.

The operationalization of the 31 SMEs is part of the “Mechanism 41”, which consists of authorizing small companies to carry out non-hazardous waste collection services on roads connecting cities and their entrances, main roads, and roads leading to controlled landfills, as well as processing centers and other establishments, ANGed reports.

The companies will also educate citizens on the culture of waste separation and the development of sustainable projects. The aim is to reduce the pollution that is gaining ground in Tunisia. The North African country generates 2.4 million tonnes of solid waste per year, more than half of which is sent to technical landfills, according to ANGed. The rest of the waste ends up on the streets and in waterways.


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