Tunisia can become coffee producer, northwestern regions are suitable for it, says Indonesian ambassador to Tunisia

Indonesia’s ambassador to Tunisia, Zahiri Masrawi, said that Tunisia can become a producer of coffee, explaining that the northwestern regions are capable of hosting coffee cultivation.

“I visited various regions of the northwest, from Tabarka to El Kef and Beja, which are suitable for growing coffee,” Masrawy said during a meeting with journalists on the occasion of the second edition of the International Coffee Fair in El Kram Exhibition centre, in which his country is participating with a pavilion showcasing its various products of this substance.

He added that Tunisia can include coffee in its diverse tourism product, similar to his country Indonesia, which has been producing coffee since the 17th century and is today the fourth largest coffee exporter in the world, producing about 750,000 tons annually, half of which is exported abroad.

The Indonesian ambassador said that during his tour of the exhibition, he discovered a young generation of Tunisians participating in the exhibition, who are active in the field of producing and exporting high-quality coffee that can compete and compete in the international arena.

He pointed out that his country has developed a number of mechanisms to encourage young people to invest in this sector, which has a place in the economic cycle and also in exporting the country’s image and promoting it abroad when it becomes part of the national tourism product.

TunisianMonitorOnline (Dhouha Talik-English NejiMed)

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