According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2017, Tunisia is the 87th most competitive tourist destination globally, according to this ranking which encompasses 136 countries.
Morocco ranks third in the continent behind South Africa and Mauritius and 65th in the world.
In North Africa, Tunisia ranks 3rd in terms of tourist attractiveness, behind Morocco and Egypt (74th). Algeria comes in 118th place.
Regarding the indicator on safety and security, very poorly ranked, Tunisia came in the 102nd place while Morocco ranks 20th and Algeria 81st.
In terms of health and hygiene, Tunisia ranks 75th ahead of Algeria (89th) and Morocco (99th).
In terms of human resources and the labor market, the WEF ranks Tunisia at 113th place.
With regard to air transport infrastructure, Tunisia ranks 85th, while in terms of road and port infrastructure it took the 95th spot.
The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index measures “the set of factors and policies that enable the sustainable development of the travel and tourism sector, which in turn, contributes to the development and competitiveness of a country”.
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