Thirty thousand more tonnes of Tunisian olive oil will be exported over two years to Europe, Prime Minister Youssef Chahed and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker announced Tuesday in Brussels.
An agreement was reached between Tunisia and the EU Tuesday, allowing the export of an additional 30 thousand tonnes of Tunisian olive oil over two years to the European market, bringing the total quantity to 95 thousand tonnes of olive oil exported to Europe, Juncker said at a joint press conference.
With this measure, the European Union has kept its promise to continue to help Tunisia with concrete short-term measures in order to contribute to its economic recovery, he further indicated.
The Prime Minister said under this measure, the EU offers, until the end of 2019, a duty-free quota of 30 thousand tonnes per year for two years, or 95,000 tonnes per year in total, for the import of olive oil from Tunisia to the EU.
“This is very good news for Tunisia and for Europe,” the Prime Minister told reporters.
TunisianMonitorOnline (TAP)