It is clear that the missing of the Saudi journalist Jamal Kashoggi arouses tremendous accusations and unlawful campaigns targeting Saudi Arabia and undermining the kingdom before any result of the official investigation.
Unfortunately, some biased media tend to exploit this issue politically disseminating baseless rumors in order to harm the Saudi policy worldwide, for the simple reason that these specific media take the wrong way of a destructive interference in the fate of the states and their peoples.
However, objective media which are known by their neutrality preferred in relation with many previous delicate events that happened in different countries to demonstrate wisdom in dealing with information and revealing the truth. These media broadcast respectful information and analyses away from any attempt to destabilize countries by anticipating events and revealing destructive incitement whose results appeared in some Arab countries.
History shows that Media built its glory from its credibility in treating events, not through its bias and screaming.
The truth will be revealed in the coming few days and investigation will provide answers for such a delicate issue. The Saudi leaders are eager to reach the truth as soon as possible objectively, honestly as well as with all credibility, away from the high pressure coming from some sides in an attempt to distort the kingdom before even the emerging of the truth.
We expect that Saudi diplomacy as it succeeded in overcoming the most difficult situations and the most complex circumstances outside its land or in the Middle East files, it will resolve this case with the required vigor and determination placing emphasis to continue the investigation for the truth which will be revealed by the Saudi Attorney General.
Besides, this case will not prevent the Kingdom from moving forward on the path of developing its people and the Islamic nation.