More incentives for olive oil exports

Tunisia invests more and more in the olive oil sector and launches new measures for increasingly promote exports of the oil product which in the campaign just ended reached the 340 thousand tons.

The Olive oil sector is increasingly assuming a role of primary importance in the agri-food sector of the North African country and with respect to which, therefore, the attention of government authorities is continually growing.

At a cabinet meeting held recently, a strategic study was announced on the development prospects of the olive oil sector in terms of production, processing, valorization and export. At the same time, a mandate was given to arrange a plan for restructuring the National Oil Office (ONH) to increase its efficiency.

Also foreseen is a 50% subsidy on the cost of maritime transport to all destinations (except France, Italy and Spain) and of the cost of air freight by 70% for canned olive oil to all destinations globally.

The measures also aim to promote the marketing abroad of olive oil not only loose, but also packaged. An ambitious promotional campaign has been launched to strengthen the presence of the product on international markets and conquer new ones.

The program includes over 25 targeted promotional strategies in 25 international destinations, which will focus on promoting Tunisian olive oil to foreign delegations in Tunisia, as well as the participation of industry professionals in international events such as exhibitions, fairs, trade missions and trade days. The goal is to increase the visibility of Tunisian olive oil abroad, with an opening to new markets.

TunisianMonitorOnline (NejiMed)

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