Esprit wins Enactus Tunisia competition

The Private Higher School of Engineering and Technology (Esprit) won on Tuesday, the prize of the 9th competition Enactus Tunisia placed this year under the theme “Social entrepreneurship vector of progress”.

This victory will allow Esprit to represent Tunisia at the international Enactus World Cup competition, which will be held from October 9 to 11 in Silicon Valley, California, a competition involving nearly 36 countries.

Succeeding to distinguish itself among 23 other teams representing public and private universities, Enactus Esprit was awarded the trophy by Prime Minister Youssef Chahed, during a ceremony held in Tunis.

The young team was rewarded for two projects involving the creation of a microscope capable of detecting leukemia in children and the implementation of an innovative system of agricultural irrigation.

Enactus ISI (Institut supérieur d’informatique) won the second place of this competition. it was rewarded for two projects that deal with the recycling of plastic and hard waste and the raising of fish.

Launched in 2009 at the Tunisian University in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education, Enactus Tunisia “has the principle of grouping a team of students representing a university institution to achieve a social entrepreneurship project”, said President of Enactus Tunisia, Khaoula Khedimy Boussama.

“this year more than 1,500 students from 55 higher education institutions (business, management, engineering and health schools) and vocational training centres took part in the programme and developed diversified projects promoting societal progress in Tunisia, “she said.

She indicated that of the 55 student teams affiliated to the programme, 23 of them were qualified to participate in the national competition and present their projects to a panel of more than 160 business leaders.

The projects are selected on the basis of a set of criteria, mainly the social and environmental impact, according to Khedimy Boussama, adding that this programme has succeeded in reaching 9 regions of the Republic and 960 direct beneficiaries.

Prime Minister Youssef Chahed emphasised, on this occasion, that this programme which is likely to create a new economic dynamic emphasises the importance that Tunisia gives to young talents.

In this context, he announced that the government is currently drafting a social entrepreneurship bill that encourages young people to engage in social and environmental projects.

Enactus Tunisia had twice reached the semi-finals of Enactus World cup, in 2015 in Johannesburg and in 2017 in London.



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