Mouhamed Ghayadhi, founder of “Degleya” said that Tunisian dates protection has now become the key concern of Enactus ESSECT after a group of students visited the Tunisian south seeking a solution for the problem of the fall of dates’ production.
Enactus ESSECT students worked on the creation “Degleya “also known as “namouseya” which is the most efficient way to protect the Tunisian dates from heavy rain or hot weather and even from insects such as pyrala worm and myelois, he added in an interview withTunisianMonitorOnline.
Mouhamed Ghayadhi also indicated that “since the only product of this kind of dates’ protection in the market is imported from China, which is not covering the whole market demand with 44 million protection products and only 13.5 million are available, therefore, farmers even used some other ways of protection which is harmful to the dates, I and other member students of Enactus ESSECT founded the idea of producing a 100% Tunisian product with a better quality and most importantly with the accessibility to all farmers.”
Tunisia is known for its delicious dates with a year on year increase in production, but 39,000 million dinars are lost because of poor protection, “Degleya” founder noted.
The solution provided by Enactus ESSECT members consists in the creation of a new 100% Tunisian protection called “Degleya”, made with recycled materials the Enactus ESSECT student said, specifying that this sector faces multiple challenges, mainly protecting the crop from wind, rain and worms.
“Enactus ESSECT” takes action with the “New Protection Degleya” which consists essentially of a combination of two parts; the upper part is made of a specific plastic called “laminated woven plastic” which protects dates from climatic factors (rain, wind, heat, etc.) and the lower part is made of a “polyethylene” net which provides protection against insects specifically against a worm known as “pyral”, Mouhamed said proudly.
The national programme to protect the dates in the production areas of the season included the provision of 4 million and 500,000 nets, in addition to the stocks available for producers, with the aim of protecting about 12 million, i.e. 28% of the total rate of Deglet Nour, compared to 3 million nets in 2017, and 2.5 million over the last three years, he went on saying.
Speaking about “L’école supérieur des sciences économiques et commerciales de Tunis” (Essect), Mouhamed Ghayadhi said this institution hosts our club Enactus Essect which was founded in 2014. Our key mission is to contribute to the development of our country, by creating projects with an economic, social and environmental impact
Enactus, is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in 1975 in the United States to promote societal progress through entrepreneurial action. It supports students in schools and universities around the world in 38 countries, including Tunisia, which was introduced in 2009, and today there are about 67 teams on Tunisian territory in several universities and schools of different fields of study, Degleya Founder concluded.
TunisianMonitorOnline (NejiMed)