Tunisia is witnessing significant growth of the natural cosmetics sector and its role in socio-economic development. Over 1,000 hectares are dedicated to the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants. There are 187 non-toxic aromatic and medicinal plant species, of which 80 are grown intensively. The country is currently the world’s leading exporter of neroli and the second largest exporter of rosemary oil. Exports of prickly pear seed oil also recorded a clear upward trend during 2020, despite the global economic crisis.
To enhance knowledge sharing and strengthen market access for young entrepreneurs in the natural cosmetics sector, two projects implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organizaton (UNIDO) in Tunisia have joined forces.
Mashrou3i, which fosters youth entrepreneurship in Tunisia, combines UNIDO’s on-the-ground experience supporting beneficiaries in the creation and growth of small businesses, its working relationships with Tunisian partner organizations, and HP’s Learning Initiative for Entrepreneurs (HP LIFE) programme, which consists of free online courses covering basic business, IT and entrepreneurship skills.
The UNIDO-SECO Project for Market Access of Typical Agrofood Products (PAMPAT) focuses on the development of agro-industrial value chains, the promotion of origin-linked quality labels, and the implementation of a collective communication and marketing plan in order to ensure sales of regional products both on national and international markets.
As natural beauty continues to transform the global beauty industry, prickly pear seed oil has become a highly sought-after skincare ingredient. Grown in several regions of Tunisia, its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties are driving popularity of this thorny fruit.
To help position Tunisia as a lead country for the production of prickly pear seed oil, the PAMPAT project has carried out clinical trials and developed national norms and standards with the Institut National de la Normalisation et de la Propriete Industrielle (INNOPRI) to guarantee quality.